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Startup program called "Program" - Microsoft Community
If so go into C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (86) to look for the Freedom folder, take Ownership of it to delete it. Use this handy right click shortcut which installs a Take Ownership shortcut to your right click menu to use in cases like this on files and folders which won't cooperate:

Strange startup program called "Program" - Microsoft Community
"C:\Program" Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe -s. As you can see, the quotation mark after Program is not supposed to be there. It causes the path to end there, so that "Program" is being interpreted as the file name.

What is the Program "program" showing up in Windows 10 Task Manager ...
What is the Program "program" showing up in Windows 10 Task Manager Startup tab? I have a program on the startup tab named "program". When I right click on it to see its location; I saw 'open file location' and 'properties' are grayed.

I have a program called "Program" in my startup settings
Open the Task Manager > go to the Startup tab > and look for a similar entry named "program" to ascertain details about it. Normally, you can disable it from there or you can manually delete the entry from the Windows registry. It can typically be found in one of these paths: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

I have an unknown program in my startup apps section. What should I do ...
So, I recently got a new laptop from work and the app has a random program in my startup apps list. The location of the app is in "C:\windows\Installer and the program is called "_39BAD5C1F42D317A6AD828". I'm not sure what this is, and I'm not allowed to make a lot of changes on this laptop, but it is possible for me to delete the specific file ...

Where is the Program Manager in Windows 10 - Microsoft Community
If by program manager you meant application related options and features, you can go to: Start > Settings > Apps > On the left pane, you will see different options related to your applications) From there, you will see all app related options like current programs running on startup, list of currently installed programs, defaults applications ...

How can i fix the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error?
Usually program should have all needed C++ redistributable. Please ask game support for a clarification.

Error, this module is blocked from loading into Local Security ...
Usually once per today, while doing nothing, I get the pop up that module is blocked from loading into LSA, and its a folder Bonjour/mdnsNSP.dll.

启动项中的program是什么? - Microsoft Community

How do I display c:\Program Files (x86) - Microsoft Community
While in the command prompt type "cd\", then enter. From there type "cd\program" then hit the tab button until you see "c:\program files (x86)", then hit enter. Sorry to say so but your first command is superfluous and the second command will not work. The correct command would be (note the space!): cd \program. then hit the tab button.

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